Monday, March 2, 2009

Vermont’s Nongame Wildlife Fund Seeks Taxpayer Support

If we all give a little, wildlife will benefit a lot!

Vermont’s Nongame Wildlife Fund Seeks Taxpayer Support

WATERBURY, VT –After years of absence, common loons, peregrine falcons and ospreys are now nesting again in Vermont, and their numbers are increasing. In fact, they have done so well, they are no longer listed as endangered or threatened in Vermont. Their successful comeback can be credited to Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s Nongame and Natural Heritage Program – a program now seeking individual taxpayer support to help support work on other aquatic and terrestrial species.

Many Vermont taxpayers have been contributing to the Nongame Wildlife Fund since 1986, when the fund was created to help pay for work done by biologists with the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and its partners to manage and enhance wildlife species that are not hunted or fished.

“Contributions at tax time by Vermonters who care about protecting nongame species and their habitats are just as important today as when the program started,” said Steve Parren, Coordinator of the Nongame and Natural Heritage Program. “Contributions have totaled more than $100,000 each year, which helps keep this program successful.”

Wildlife is fortunate to have lots of support in Vermont where a survey shows 62 percent of residents actively enjoy wildlife one way or another. Vermonters were third only to Montana and Maine as participants in wildlife recreation. Activities include hunting, fishing, feeding birds, and observing or photographing wildlife.

“Thanks to Vermont’s Nongame contribution line 29-a. on our state tax form, we also can be wildlife conservationists by giving to our Nongame and Natural Heritage Program at tax time. Look for the loon logo on your Vermont tax form, and do your part to help Vermont’s nongame wildlife,” said Parren.

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