The good news is Shumlin supports the Public Trust and returning management to Fish and Wildlife.
Pete the Governor says Pete the Moose should live-- and so should all the other animals inside the hunting preserve in the Northeast Kingdom.
Pete the Moose lives inside a fence in Irasburg with other animals including elk, wild deer and moose.
Pete became a celebrity last year after wildlife officials considered removing or killing him. They feared he and other animals in the preserve might spread disease.
Now the Legislature is considering a bill that would save Pete the Moose from being killed. The governor wants the bill on his desk. He pledged Thursday to pardon Pete and all the other deer and moose that live inside the preserve.
"You know I think there has been a lesson for all of this which is don't take publicly owned wildlife and put it in private hands. I think the best way to solve this problem is to make sure it does not happen again. And let's let the existing wildlife at the farm continue to live," said Gov. Peter Shumlin, D-Vermont. "I would like to pardon them all."
The Legislature will continue to debate the bill. The governor says they would act quickly to pass a bill that prevents private citizens from owning wildlife.
Anson Tebbetts - WCAX News
Here is the press conference footage:
Will Shumlin also pardon Pete the Moose's pals?
Whatever happens with the saga of Pete the Moose, the moose's life will be spared, that much state officials have made clear. But what about the other animals living in captivity with Pete?
Gov. Peter Shumlin said Thursday at his weekly news conference that he would pardon them, too, before clarifying that he would defer details to wildlife
"Pete the governor hasn't issued any pardons yet, but I'm going to issue one for Pete the Moose," Shumlin said. "The best way to solve this problem is, let's make sure it doesn't happen again and let's let the existing wildlife at the farm continue to live. I would like to pardon them all."Pete the governor might have gotten ahead of himself when it comes to the other, unnamed animals. Asked how the animals could continue to live in captivity, Shumlin said, "I'll defer to the biologists on some of your question."
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