Monday, February 22, 2010

The Impact of an International Seal Harvesting Agreement

The following is from the International Economic Law and Policy Blog. It seems to me that this issue has implications for other types of hunts and wild animal harvests. North American trappers and furharvesters have been working thru a similar ban for years, leading to the development of Best Management Policy traps and techniques.

The Seal Products Case: The Impact of an International Seal Harvesting Agreement

Some in Canada hope that an international declaration on ethical seal hunting will solve the seal products dispute:
In an effort to challenge the European Union’s trade ban on Canadian seal products, a Quebec senator is proposing that provinces and countries involved in the seal hunt sign on to an international declaration on ethical sealing.

Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette visited Iqaluit, Nunavut, last week to promote the Universal Declaration on the Ethical Harvest of Seals, written by a panel of experts and scientists from Canada and the United States.


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