Sunday, February 8, 2009

Apprentice license good for hunting

Pyne Column: Apprentice license good for hunting Sun Feb 8, 2009

We've all had it happen. A friend or neighbor or relative expresses an interest in trying hunting. You're more than happy to take them under your wing, but after pointing out that they must first t... more...


  1. Eric C. Nuse said...

    Today (Sunday) the Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs officers and delegates voted to support the concept of this legislation. We look forward to seeing the wording and assisting with it's development and passage.
    ps. I'm a delegate representing the Lamoille Valley Fish and Game Club's 1,000 members

  2. That's a proactive step in helping to stem the erosion of outdoorsmen!

    A great model for other states to follow.

    Albert A Rasch
    The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
    Proud Member of Outdoor Bloggers Summit
    Southeast Regional OBS Coordinator

  3. that's a great idea. I'm all for it.

  4. This is a step that 27 other states have undertaken during the past three years with the creation of mentored hunting opportunities. 203,00 new hunters can be directly attributed to these programs! Vermont needs to be next.

  5. I agree. I think we push the recruitment/support for hunting as the prime reason and bring in how safe it is to hunt and for the apprentices as no reason to oppose it. The fact that it is backed nationally by NSSF, NWTF, USSA, IHEA and the NRA speaks loudly.
